PowerShell: Skype for Business Call Recording On or Off
I found this a little tricky to lay my fingers on at first so thought it best that I document it here.
Have you ever been asked to "Get me all the users who have call recording turned on" from a Skype for Business tenant?
If you are asked that question. Here are the PowerShell commands you will require.
Skype for Business Call Recording Turned On
Get-CsOnlineUser | Where {$_.ConferencingPolicy -eq "BposSALLModality"} | Select-object DisplayName, ConferencingPolicy
Skype for Business Call Recording Turned Off
Get-CsOnlineUser | Where {$_.ConferencingPolicy -eq "BposSALLModalityNoRec"} | Select-object DisplayName, ConferencingPolicy
Clearly this is almost a true false scenario so a script outputting to 2 different excel sheets may just be what you need.
You will see below the results of the two PowerShell commands.
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